Water purification information

What is a water purifier for?

Views : 59597
Update time : 2022-02-15 17:31:40
Municipal tap water conforms to the national drinking water standard when it leaves the factory, but during the transportation process, it may be "secondary pollution" due to aging pipelines and failure to clean up the community water tank in time. Therefore, the tap water released by the water valve at home contains Impurities are usually beyond everyone's imagination. Therefore, the use of water purifiers can better ensure the safety and health of our drinking water.

1. How does the water purifier purify the water?

The vast majority of water purifiers now filter out impurities mainly through physical filtration. AICKSN water purifiers are like this. The biggest role is to filter out harmful microorganisms and other impurities that may exist in tap water through multi-layer filtration.

After the water purifier is installed, after the tap water enters the home, it will successively flow through multiple filter elements such as PP cotton, granular activated carbon, ultrafiltration membrane or RO reverse osmosis membrane, and gradually filter impurities in the water from large to small, so that the water quality can be effectively purified. .
2. Can the water purifier filter impurities in the water?

At present, there are two main types of water purifiers on the market, reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration. The filtration precision of the reverse osmosis machine can reach 0.0001 microns, and the produced water is pure water, which can be directly consumed; while the filtration precision of the ultrafiltration machine is relatively low, but there are also 0.01-0.1 microns, which can filter out most of the impurities in the water.

3. Will the purification process of the water purifier produce waste water?
The RO reverse osmosis water purifier will generate "wastewater" due to the need to flush the RO membrane under pressure. However, although it is called wastewater, because it is filtered by PP cotton, activated carbon and other filter elements, its water quality is also "cleaner" than the tap water directly released at home. , can be collected to flush toilets, mopping floors, etc., to eliminate waste.

4. Which is better between ultrafiltration machine and reverse osmosis machine?
AICKSN water purification RO reverse osmosis water purifier has higher filtration precision, and can filter almost all impurities in the water to achieve the effect of direct drinking. If it is equipped with a pipeline machine, it is simple and safe.

Ultrafiltration water purifiers cannot filter out small molecular organic compounds and heavy metals, and the filtered water cannot be directly drunk, and can be used in places where scale is not serious in the south.

When purchasing a water purifier, it needs to be determined according to the water quality of the family. Of course, whether it is an ultrafiltration machine or a reverse osmosis machine, the raw water is generally municipal tap water, that is, the tap water is purified again.

5. Will the long-term drinking of the water filtered by the pure water machine lack nutrients?

In fact, there are not many minerals and trace elements in the water, and most of the nutrients needed by the human body are obtained from food, so even if you drink purified water for a long time, it will not cause human nutrition deficiency. Moreover, most water purifiers on the market today can effectively retain some of the substances that are beneficial to the body, which means that it can not only filter out water, but also leave trace elements of minerals in the water.

More importantly, water in the human body mainly helps the body transport nutrients and discharge waste, and pure water without impurities has a greater effect. For us, clean water is the most important issue.
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